Sunday, May 11, 2014

ILLUSION OF POWER: Voluntary Servitude Exposed

Voluntary inservitude — the refusal of power’s domination over ourselves — should not be confused with a refusal of politics. Rather it should be seen as the construction of an alternative form of politics, and as intensification of political action; we might call it a politics of withdrawal from power, a politics of non-domination. There is nothing apolitical about such a politics of refusal: the politics of refusal is not a refusal of politics as such, but rather a refusal of the established forms and practices of politics enshrined in the state, and the desire to create new forms of politics outside the state — the desire, in other words, for a politics of autonomy. Indeed, the notion of the ‘autonomy of the political’, invoked by Carl Schmitt to affirm the sovereignty of the state — the prerogative of the state to define the friend/enemy opposition (Schmitt, 1996) — should be seen, on my alternative reading, as suggesting a politics of autonomy. The proper moment of the political is outside the state and seeks to engender new non-authoritarian relationships and ways of life.


  1. the monkeys on the white house taking cue from you know who! ask the planet to nuke, volcanos like yellowstone, promote earthquakes, in southern california and target the madrids falls, hopefully this will send the usa to jurassic park days and probably the rest of the planet, as well. the us will disappear from the face of earth, a good thing however the rest of the planet will probably suffer, not as much but, this massive earthquakes trigger unexpected consequences ask american scientist they will open the eyes of the monkeys on the white house. and advice if they can..!! ask when you go for a kill on the game of thrones you wipe out continents. is the logical answer to aggression... and more effective than conventional wars, after the explosion of yellowstone, jurassic gift to humanity to protect themselves from the monkeys in the white house. targeting only 3 precise nuclear bombs, on yellowstone, 6 on the madrid falls and 10 on the LA earthquake strip is over for the continent. no need of troops planes, ships or even cyber warfare nothing! this 20 nukes will do more harm than the totality of the global nuclear arsenals.

  2. russia: remember washington is a colony of britain, is call the british empire, washington are the pawns the soldiers of this empire, they get kill first, as always.. so you will have better result when you talk to the british, forget washington OBAMA NULAN, americans politicians as a whole they are not in command of their own mind, AIPAC included, they are owned by the british, remember they have a language call english which is not an american language, an american language does not exist. colonized nations always remain a colony, like africa, so with washington is the same london commands washington obeys. what britain is looking at is the return of the £ as global currency, they probably had this in mind from 1945.. and the $ which they know is toilet paper will somehow sink into oblivion, so act civilize, forget this colonial half minded politicians in washington; let them destroy their own citizens, is not your business anyway!! this is how colony's function (corruption) oppress your citizens,( "serf" 99% vs wall street)..and send the wealth to the crown. just like africa. there is no difference at all. between africa and the usa of america minds exist as colonial minds until they find how to gain independence, remember today america is a police state like south africa apartheid years. so that should clear your mind.....!!
