Monday, May 12, 2014

Global COLLAPSE Occurring Right Now! Here's Why.

Economically, this system is dead. It's a zombie being fed life simply by what they refer to as "Quantitative Easing". I prefer to call it MONEY PRINTING. Even with the trillions being force fed in to the financial system, grow is slowing all around the world.

As I discuss in my book, and concur with Mike Maloney's prediction, once the deflation sets in, they will ramp up the printing presses, causing a HYPERINFLATION.
The GDP report suggested the economy grew at a 0.1 percent annual pace
Xi Says China Must Adapt to 'New Normal' of Slower Growth
Eurozone GDP growth of 1% in 2014
Brace for life in slow growth lane, says IMF
OECD Cuts Global Growth Forecast as Emerging Markets Cool


  1. Economy is dying for the past 100 years according to you doom and gloom dummies
    Go and hide in rat hole.

  2. Go back to sleep...everything is great, cheeky, wonderfull!

  3. Every one around me is working and spending money
