Monday, May 19, 2014


Former Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations Sha Zukang has warned that the dispute between Japan and China over the Senkaku Islands could lead to World War III.
Citing a Chinese-language piece written by Zukang for the the pro-regime Global Times, a report in the China Times says that Zukang warned of the futility of going to war over "those two tiny rocks," a reference to the disputed islands which have become the center of a geopolitical tug of war between China and Japan, with the United States and South Korea also becoming embroiled.

"If China started a war with Japan, it would be much larger than both the Sino-Japanese War and World War II, said Sha. The United States and Japan should cooperate with China to maintain regional peace," states the report.

Zukang's rhetoric sounds somewhat alarmist but it is not that different in tone from sober analysts such as Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who warned that the escalating crisis represents a "watershed moment for the world" and means "Asia is on the cusp of a full-blown arms race."
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Zukang was appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon last year as the under-secretary-general for the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. He also served as Chinese ambassador to the United Nations Office at Geneva.
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Zukang is known as an outspoken figure who previously said the United States should "shut up" over its complaints about Beijing's military build-up.

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"We intend to continue prioritizing the development of the main component of our strategic nuclear deterrent," Putin said at a meeting on the development of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces.

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