Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "More Peace, Less Brutality!" - (5/1/14)

"China to overtake US economic power, millennials have extremely low levels of trust for the government & a Pennsylvania Supreme Court judge rules that it is okay for police to search your car without a warrant. This is freedom & liberty?"


  1. Top gun: the American military? Perhaps Hollywood is no longer blending the American empire and reality, so we got something new, the alternative media, or the waking up of the Hollywood dream. Certainly there is confusion, does it come from the internet, the economy, the Hollywood dream. Or is it just the end of the absorbing society. Perhaps the conditioning is reversing itself and brainwashing does not really work as expected, them the brainwash society just cleans up into a new society. The old one will no longer exist. It could also be a line the red line, not the military one but the one on the conscious mind, which balances itself into a position, that the eventual Hollywood Top Gun: was aware off; neither science nor technology understood the facts. Is possible that consciousness still holds some mysteries, However the $ as a reserve currency does no longer fit the global geometry, it has created an unbalance illusion; a new independent currency is a must in fact the only solution available to have government’s and citizens exist in harmony. Wall Street, and the believing on god is the same thing, just a picture on the screen, however the one of god is to be reveal as the one of Wall Street we have known. So the credibility of Wall Street is no longer valid, as it is the credibility of investors that have their investment on the street. Investment takes a different form, as the Wall Street credibility, no longer is real. Is part of the Hollywood dream that keeps a world in wars and flames? For Russia to be on equal terms with Washington, a neutral currency must exist independent of both, and the Chinese will agreed. Europe them becomes the hexagon as Russia becomes the triangle. Commerce of the past on a new TGV, and commerce in the future; from the capitals of Paris to Beijing, nevertheless to avoid a repeat of the last Hollywood war & flames illusions of Top Gun: and forget the existence of the $ as a reserve currency the new global currency is indispensable. I propose the BREN, because it blends all the continents at once.

  2. The clash of civilizations.
    American's the ones that believe they are part of western civilisation, they are NOT "Samuel Huntington included" they have being around from 1776, a somewhat short period of time so they Obama and the rest of the American government, do not really understand the western mind that created them, this is one of the reason why Washington behaves the way it does, kind of incivilities are common; and it is normal, western civilization has being around for more than 2000 years. in Europe Not America or New York!! 1776, is just a wink away. and 1840, is also not far away from today. education in fact is lacking most Americans do not even know were they came from and how they got there. the planet only hopes is the education and manners, civility and class of the American minds; it is indeed a clash of civilisations and is between the newly American 1766, civilisation and western European culture that is generating this clash's, something that Samuel Huntington quietly did not mention. and most of his media manipulations have no foundation of actual knowledge of the truth. The lack of capacity to fully understand the civilization that engender him, Mr: Samuel Huntington's is the logic of his writing's, nothing more than media manipulation.
