Friday, May 30, 2014

Gerald Celente -- The Second American Revolution

Gerald Celente: Political Atheism | Jeff Deist

Megatrend forecaster Gerald Celente talks with Jeff Deist about the second American Revolution and how oligarchs have come to power in the U.S. Hosted by Jeff Deist, Mises Weekends features weekly interviews with leaders in Austrian economics and libertarianism.

Gerald Celente is One of the best-known futurists in the country is Gerald Celente. He is the founder of the Trends Research Institute. He is also the best-selling author of Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking. He has appeared on several of the largest media outlets in the world, offering his predictions for the future. His forecasts have often proved to be highly accurate.

 Gerald Celente
The Trends Research Institute The Martial Artist of Trend Forecasting —The purpose of trend forecasting is to provide insights and directions in anticipation of what the future may bring – and to be prepared for the unexpected.
Gerald Celente, a Close Combat practitioner and black belt trainer, well understands the importance of proacting rather than reacting: "The first rule of Close Combat is to attack the attacker. Action is faster than reaction. The same holds true for the future. You know the future is coming … attack it before it attacks you."

Founder of The Trends Research Institute in 1980, Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist. He is author of the national bestseller Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking (Warner Books) – "Far better than Megatrends," and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter.
Political Atheist — Gerald Celente is a political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente, whose motto is "think for yourself," observes and analyzes the current events forming future trends for what they are – not for the way he wants them to be.

Like a doctor giving a diagnosis after gathering the facts, whether or not you like the prognosis doesn’t alter the outcome, make him an optimist or pessimist – it’s simply what is. And while Celente holds a US passport, he considers himself a citizen of the world. Globalnomic® Trend Forecaster — Using his unique perspectives on current events forming future trends, Gerald Celente developed the Globalnomic® methodology which is used to identify, track, forecast and manage trends.
The world's only trends analyst covering 300 diversified trends fields, Gerald Celente and the Trends Research Institute provide trend research studies and consulting services to businesses and governments worldwide. Celente also designed the nation’s first professional course in trend forecasting.
The proof is in his past — Gerald Celente has earned his reputation as "The most trusted name in trends" by accurately forecasting hundreds of social, business, consumer, environmental, economic, political, entertainment, and technology trends. Among them: Celente coined the term "clean foods" in 1993 and predicted sustained growth in organic products in 1988.
When gold was at $275 per ounce in 2002, Celente said the price had bottomed and in 2004 forecast the beginning of the "Gold Bull Run." Since that time, with pinpoint accuracy, he said when, why - and how high - gold would go
Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente

1 comment:

  1. Olygargs: are new rich, they have money, but lack knowledge, wisdom. Ancient knowledge!! in the 1500, there was a problem, technology, the wise rulers lack the means to get the masses, that now has surnames, but are unable to rule themselves, as the population grew, the wises were very few; problems grew rapidly, the wise king has no means to fix the issue and technology was not around. (Today you got internet, IPhone etc.) Protestantism was the choice made, it looks it was the best choice, previous time was Catholicism, this created modern capitalism and reconfigured the mass of people "the wise few" were able to enter the process slowly and knowledge blend with wisdom, somehow; this poise the disparity, between the large masses of people, the capitalist process that will bring technology in the long run and manage to understand the human size equilibrium. Today the technology that was needed in 1500 to configure a wise humanity exists now. A return to the 1500 does fix the issue as this modern capitalism that was needed at the time is no longer needed now, the behavior, the aim, the purpose; the psychological configuration, self-purpose of reasoning and neuronal firing characteristics. We got modern middle ages, (new rich in castles and servants luxury and so on) . However the wise king has to emerge to catalyze the memory process of history and proceed, renovate, and return to the 2014 realm.
    Reality of now.
