Friday, May 16, 2014

End Of The World And End Times - Tribulation - Book Of Daniel Is Being Opened Just As Foretold

The book of Daniel was sealed up 600 years PRIOR TO the founding of Christianity and was foretold to be opened ONLY at the 'Time of the End' or 'End Times'...and not before. So, what has Christianity been teaching for 2000 years? Jesus warned about this many times. Today, the truth of 'The Book' is being revealed, just as foretold and now, for the first time in history, you can learn what has been hidden for thousands of years. Read the works of Dr. Scott McQuate and discover the secret, hidden truth about The Tribulation, The End of the World or End Times, The Ancient Genetic Manipulation of Man, UFO's, The Ark of the Covenant, The Parables of Jesus, The Holy Grail, The Tetragrammaton YHWH, Israel, The Garden in Eden, The Secret Meanings of Stories in the Bible, Bible Prophecy, The Rapture, Fallen Angels, The True Identity of Lucifer, Planet X or Nibiru, Wormwood, The Anunnaki, Armageddon and much more that the world has never known...until now. Discover the ancient, hidden truth of which no Pastor, Theologian or Biblical Scholar is aware at

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