Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Deadly Battle for Ukraine's Donetsk Airport - Tens Killed

Battle at Donetsk Airport :Ukrainian troops - pro Russian activists : Ukrainian soldiers have regained full control of Donetsk airport. Pro-Russian separatists stormed the building early on Monday morning. At least 40 people were killed in the heavy fighting

27.05.2014 News from many: "Nearly 40 people were killed in today's violence in the east of the country in Donetsk" Published on May 27, 2014 "Intense fighting has broken out in eastern Ukraine, with government air and ground forces attacking pro-Russian activists' positions. Nearly 40 people were killed in today's violence in the east of the country. In Donetsk, clashes occurred at the Sergei Prokofiev airport. The fighting broke out after armed men who identified themselves as representatives of the Donetsk People's Republic seized the international airport. The governor of the Donetsk Region appointed by the Donetsk People's Republic, Pavel Gubarev, said a rocket propelled grenade hit a truck transporting the injured from the airport area, leaving at least 35 people dead. He added that the truck was carrying injured people and was clearly marked as an ambulance. Fighter aircraft have also targeted positions of pro-Russian activists at the airport. Meanwhile, at least one person was killed in clashes at the city's main train station. And in the city of Slavyansk, over 110 kilometers north of Donetsk, two people were reportedly killed in an attack on residential areas by government helicopter gunships.

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