Monday, May 26, 2014

Craig Fitzgerald - National Anarchist Alliance & Multicultural Madness

Craig Fitzgerald - National Anarchist Alliance & Multicultural Madness

Craig Fitzgerald is one of the founders of the National Anarchist Tribal Alliance of New York. We'll discuss the national anarchist movement and how it can be a solution to the problems we're facing. We'll discuss what a nation is and how it has nothing to do with government. As multiculturalism is being forced onto the west, we'll talk about the madness of mass immigration, cultural genocide and the government's involvement. Who is out to destroy western civilization? Craig elaborates on the culture wars and talks about radicalized extremists out to destabilize Europe. In the days of diversity being pushed down our throats, we'll talk about how true diversity comes with de-centralization and voluntaryism. We'll talk about the need for Europeans to move beyond the eastern Abrahamic religions and find their true heritage and roots found in Europe. Craig presents the idea of forming local communities and sovereign enclaves with like minded people to combat globalization, homogenization and government tyranny. Later, we talk about government infiltration of White nationalist groups. We'll also talk about the violence and hypocrisy of Antifa, a collective of militant so called anti-fascists. We'll end the hour on suppressed American history and megalithic sites that are hardly spoken about. 

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