Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bilderberg Police Beat Reporters And Chase Camera Man

Alex Jones talks with Infowars reporter Josh Owens about the disgusting human rights violations that he witnessed. .The police are on the wrong side of this issue. They need to protect us from the Bilderberg group. They too will be culled by the powers that be that should not be in the end. No need to beat people up for wanting the truth.

1 comment:

  1. if a journalist in the U.S. was beaten at the Bilderberg meeting, or anywhere in the U.S. for that matter- I would think that Mr. Jones would make this his number one priority to expose on a highest level possible. I mean, if this wasn't proof of the so called "police state" and lack of "free press" in our supposed "land of the free", I don't know what is. So, Alex Jones, if this is real and accurate reporting on your part; I'd think it would be your moral duty to EXPOSE beyond your personal Infowars program. I'll be waiting to see if this happens.
