Saturday, May 24, 2014

As The Dollar Dies The Next Event Will Rise

Thousands of UK households are underwater in their housing costs and are at risk of losing their homes. Job claims rise in April. Almost half of unemployed people cannot find jobs no matter how hard they look. Major department stores are closing and reporting a decline in sales. Blackrock warns housing is not going to recover and is "structurally unsound". Russia dumps U.S. treasuries and purchases gold. Chinese bankers says yuan/renminbi will be the next reserve currency. According to a new report President Obama lied about not knowing about the secret VA waiting list. The U.S. and other countries are preparing for the strike into Syria. Corporate media pushing the agenda al-Qaeda is about to strike the U.S. Be prepared for a false flag event.


  1. the french trader! how about it....!!

  2. Gold may be the money of kings but
    Power/control is the money of the Uber Elites.
