Wednesday, May 14, 2014

ALERT -- Ukraine Bank closures in Crimea hit residents

Thousands in Crimea have no access to their savings after Ukraine froze bank accounts following the region's vote to join Russia.Moscow has pledged to compensate Crimeans who have lost their money with payments of up to $20,000.That promise has led to long queues at registration stations housed in former Ukrainian banks.Al Jazeera's Nadim Baba reports from Simferopol.

1 comment:

  1. the collapse of the $ as a reserve currency does not affect the 99% it affects the 1% they have all their money on dollars. so when the dollar crashes their foreign assets, toxic islands, off shore!!!! collapse is a must.... but for you is not the same, the % of dollars invested on wall street by the 99% is minimal. so crashing the $ as reserve currency is crashing wall street and bankers. not crashing the public.. the 99%..
