Thursday, May 15, 2014

ALERT -- Russia Holds 'Kill the Dollar' Meeting with China and Iran!

"It seems that the circle is closing on these people and they cannot get a war going soon enough." In a way it would present itself with a pretty good opportunity to "close the books" before it totally comes undone, in the eyes of the US and the West that is. I do not, however, think that it'll be a bombs and bullets war. It'll be a financial war in which everyone writes everyone else off and thus forces (as it is shaping up now) into trade sanctions (discontinuance of trade) and changes in trading partners (more regional and less global- say goodbye to the NWO [it'll be yet one more prediction that I end up being right about]).
WWIII has been raging for some time behind the scenes anyhow. It is just moving into another phase now where Russia can turn up the heat... more or less speed up the processes of debt destruction that are already in motion. The ultimate irony here is that all that is needed (besides a little nudging) is to let greed, corruption, incompetence, etc. do thier thing. Bombs and bullets will be more for peripheral nations... proxy wars per se (nudging). Strategic moves towards the primary goal of currency destruction. Either consolidation or destablization. Well, at least until the primary goal is realized and loosing nations turn into zombie police states. Really no need for nukes to fly... this is all about unleashing the free shit army in your opponents country first without crashing your own in the process. Realignment of trade, debt wipeout, etc.


  1. Its always about human Lust or Desire.

    The 10th and last commandment, 'Thou shalt not covert'.
    This is the basis of all human idolatry, and what drives most men and women.

    Read. 1.John.2:15-17. This sums up the spirit of man.

    Emeth Logos.

  2. This isn't going to go on for years; the Lord will be back loooooooong before His children are ALL destroyed, I guarantee it!!!!
