Saturday, May 31, 2014

ALERT -- Democrat Lawmakers Introduce New GUN CONTROL Bill!

"MENTAL HEALTH AND GUN VIOLENCE" Democrat Lawmakers Introduce New GUN CONTROL Bill!

When the SS assumed control of the All Police in Germany,
they gave police powers to all of their Thug Minions....
When the Bolsheviks took control in Russia, the CHEKA hired
every thug and criminal, gave them powers of Arrest....
They are still following the well trodden path of history..
And you KNOW where it leads!
At least people in america have enough guns and firepower to stop the nwo. If you go somewhere else then good luck trying to stop them with a shitty shotgun, because in most countries that is all they allow. They will sniper you away from 300 yards and you will never get a chance to shoot back.

1 comment:

  1. About time that nation of psychopaths stooped worshipping their guns. Poor little would have to stop killing each other and join the civilized world if the malevolent gun makers behind the NRA were not allowed to peddle their poison any more.
