Thursday, April 24, 2014

WW3 UPDATE!! Ukrainian Forces Killed 5 Pro-Russians, Putin Says There Wil Be Consequences

Anti-terro ops in East Ukraine has left 5 Pro-Russian separatists dead. This comes one day after

If Kiev authorities have started to use force against the civilian population, this is a serious crime, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. Taking this action makes them a "junta" and may affect their relations with other countries, he added.

"If the Kiev regime started military actions against the country's population, this is without doubt a very serious crime," Putin said at All-Russia People's Front media forum.

According to Putin current situation in East Ukraine is another proof Russia was right when it supported Crimeans, when they decided to have a referendum.

"[Otherwise] it would have seen there the same things which are now happening in the east of Ukraine, or even worse," he said. "That's one more proof to the fact we did it all right and in time."

Putin believes that the use of force by the coup-imposed government in Kiev means that it's actually a junta.

"If current authorities in Kiev have done this [used force], then they are junta," the president said. "For one thing, they don't have nation-wide mandate. They might have some elements of legitimacy, but only within the framework of the parliament. The rest of the government bodies are for various reasons illegitimate."


The Kev Baker Show see's popular Youtuber TruthTube451 take to the microphone for this his all new project. Kev, joined by friends John "Whistler" Sinclair & DJsNorthWest, they are, like the listeners, on a quest for veritas in these dark times, and Kev invites everyone to join him on his nightly show to take a look at the real news behind the main stream snooze

1 comment:

  1. well the lid, is On.. not Obama; is quite possible that the neocons have underestimated Putin, so the solution is Putin....! not the Neocons of washington.. meaning he probably understands the limits of the superpower! meaning rationally if he was inferior he would have blink! russia is not blinking. x Why ? that means that in fact he is certain the damage will be felt, in equal amount! the chess player has already won the game and aggression will affirm his position. the us has to back off, as by Now we understand that russia in fact is not blinking. "the risk" there is no risk, is a fact. Nuclear strikes. preemptive. and arm long ago, as the neocons planet it looks Putin planned likewise, libya was the bite, not for putin but Obama, Israel-? the new front. Asia the second front, Mexico, the southern front. internal rapture inside the mix nation; as the neocons planned ripping other nations now is taking place on the usa of america. So while Obama goes hunting on the alps, at home the rage and confusion increases, as the middle east heats up, and the syrian conflict blends in with iran. the saudi Petrol and the russian petrol become precious gold.
