Thursday, April 24, 2014

WW3 RED ALERT -- The Central Bankers Give The Green Light To Provoke War

Caterpillar sales continue to decline plus earning are up because 8,295 employees have been let go. Initial jobless claims increased. Condo purchases in NY, Florida and other areas are in cash to pump up the market. IRS deems it necessary to track license plates. The supreme court ruled that people can be searched on an anonymous tip, which violates the 4th amendment. UN chief wants both sides to de-escalate before this crisis turns into WWIII. Russia is holding drills on the Ukrainian/Russian boarder to send a clear message to the puppet government in Ukraine to de-escalate its attacks. The CIA is quietly sneaking weapons in Syria. There are reports that the rebels are preparing another big chemical weapons false flag.


  1. well divided americans, by the main media CNN, as vin says, he loves america, however will he die sooner than expected like next week. wars only kills the fools which the navy seals, the usa army of idiots, and the us airforce. ask yourself a question!! What happened to the 50.000 americans that die in vietnam, and what have they die for? today. the same (1914-2014) ? those in iraq, or those in afghanistan. they die for the banks, the tax havens and AIPAC, washington and the rulers of the american slaves, they did not die for america, as america today does not exist jobs are all in china? is that what you fools die for . ship jobs to china, India; eat MGO, monsanto, have a microchip on your arm like hitlers numbers of ID. and believe on a sitcom of americans the brave, what a bunch of idiots americans are! they even kill each others for the benefit of others. no wonder the 99% is the lot of idiots worldwide the take up wall street of fools, is over folks you lot are slaves and will die as slaves, just what you lot were before the mayflower reached the american shores. what an idiocy, america gains independence from britain, but today they have reversed the sitcom and are now once again slaves of britain. So true the constitution does not exist neither the bill of rights neither congress or the president, he does not need you lot of idiots any longer he is caesar and you lot the slaves of the roman empire.

  2. There are lots of idiots in the US, but there are lots of people who are also waking up. Most of them are people capable of thinking rationally, before they act. And -- the only credible domestic terrorist threat, regardless of what invalid intelligence indicates, is from the government and corporate related activity. This is not conspiracy -- this is the normal manner of business for powerful interests who influence the direction of government through corrupted information and contacts. Power translates to more money and more power through the control of information and related activities.
