Monday, April 28, 2014

War looms in Ukraine -- Alex Jones

As was Afghanistan and Pakistan. As well as the Syrian chem debacle. Which in reality was the fore runner that caused Benghazi. Meaning that The Benghazi ambassador found out that Obama and Chi-punk were running guns, munitions and chem war heads out of lybia and into Syria to aid the terrorists. So this all ties in with the end run result that this admin is actually creating a near GLOBAL WAR! WWIII

1 comment:

  1. the fact is a war russia nato is not predictable? therefore! the russians and their nukes and the americans and their weapons will have to use them; them we know? the problem looks is one side believes is stronger than the other, a confrontation a war is a verification of who is the strongest the wises the intelligent; a winner is supposed to emerge! it could also be a third party, as well it could be no winner!
