Sunday, April 6, 2014

U.S. is Doomed to COLLAPSE! China to Rule World!

Collapse must occur in the U.S. There are no jobs anymore due to offshoring. Unemployed numbers continue to rise steadily.Developing countries are hoarding gold. What's the deal here?

The elite know what's going on and will assuredly profit from it.

The point here is that when this fully takes place, it will happen very rapidly. You cannot prepare in time. The odds will be outside of your favour.
Trade gap at highest level in five months
23 countries begin setting up swap lines to bypass dollar
By 2020, the Bundesbank intends to store half of Germany's gold reserves in its own vaults in Germany.
Chavez Emptying Bank of England Vault as Venezuela Brings Back Gold Hoard

1 comment:

  1. all predictible with forced amoral free trade in which you give up tariff policy to the unelected fascist WTO - and reward the totalitarian capitalist and mega corps by giving away your markets and your democracy... you then have no leverage, no freedom, no democracy.. and you are completely ruled by globall corporations and private central bank debt money
