Tuesday, April 8, 2014

U.S. Headed for Neo-Communism - Mikkel Clair Nissen

Danish author says that the American economy is being deliberately destroyed to move it even farther left, on thoughts on why the EU & US is heading towards Neo-Communism or Corporate-Communism.
The Dane spends 80% of every dollar on tax.What we in America are living in right now Lars is a defacto Fascist Dictatorship, most here in the US think we are a Democracy but that is and never has been what our country has been, we were given a Constitutional Republic but like Ben Franklin said it is up to us to keep it. Why do I say defacto Fascist Dictatorship well because, if people actually take the time to look at what Obama and all the other Presidents since Kennedy have been doing it's merely an illusion of freedom and choice. Obama just in the past month has said he will change this and that about Obamacare without going threw Congress, if he can do this then that makes him a Dictator or at least a King. People here need to put aside the belief that there is a left and a right and realize there one in the same. Even my own mother thinks there's a difference which really couldn't be farther from the truth. I asked if they own their house or car? Her answer was of course we do. I then asked what happens if you don't pay your property tax or registration? Well they put a lean on your home or don't let you drive. Ok so then you don't really own anything if they control your use or ownership of it. She will argue this point forever not knowing that the continuity of Gov't doctrine allows the Gov't to take possession of all civilian property, vehicles, and resources if the Gov't deems there is a state of emergency. This means that our Gov't has put in place a way to take everything from anyone at anytime because we have been in a constant state of emergency since WWII. When a President can indefinitely detain Americans without charges or their day in court or make changes to laws without Congress he is by default a Dictator. If this President or the next manages to take away firearms from the population we will be living in 1933 Germany. I hope this makes some kind of sense as I'm not very good at explaining these things,

Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed Mikkel Clair Nissen

1 comment:

  1. John KERRY ready to kill more americans like in vietnam, and benghazi, libya, washington murders its own diplomats, beware,washington and bankers promoting ww3 in europe to destroy europe and impose a marshall plan, to enslave european citizens kill them like they did in 1944, and them bankers come over and buy the continent, reason why washington the barbarians cannot be trusted only a corrupt military regime that wants to destroys its citizens will do that a government that hates its own citizens, like the killing of a american benghazi diplomat.
