Sunday, April 13, 2014

URGENT! Deadly Battles In East Ukraine As Security Crackdown Launched

The Kev Baker Show see's popular Youtuber TruthTube451 take to the microphone for this his all new project. Kev, joined by friends John "Whistler" Sinclair & DJsNorthWest, they are, like the listeners, on a quest for veritas in these dark times, and Kev invites everyone to join him on his nightly show to take a look at the real news behind the main stream snooze.

1 comment:

  1. the problem is folks citizens exist on a nation that is kidnaped by a very small elite, it looks they "elites" considers citizens as cattle, the nation is a farm. they are the masters you 99% the animals cows or even less than that, so 1776, democracy,decency, human rights, bill of rights constitution event independance of america 1776 is gone. you are back to 1492, the Queen & washington rule you americans as slaves, and they rule your mind, intellect and understanding of reality; americans exist on a fiction world. the media controls most minds therefore to act rationally and understand rationally is impossible, any attempt to change the government find solutions becomes impossible because minds do not follow they fail to understand just like cows on a tv room, they watch the scenes images and them eat work sleep and die, consume to soon be slaughtered in insane wars and local suicides and disputes. you cannot find a solution at home, neither change anything however the only way is from the outside, just like a color revolution, it must come from the outside as you lot exist on a ranch call the usa of america the problem is you lot 99% are the animals not the human farmer. the farmer is the "elites".. the $ as reserve currency is the only weapon to liberate america, once that dollar collapses the elites will collapse and america can be free, however the elite has this $ as reserve currency as a token of corruption blackmailing any free thinker government on the planet, they use this device $ as reserve currency to hold them to their wishes, and they Obey, governments worldwide, not to you americans but to the $ as reserve currency. that is the empire not you 99% yo are just cows, to feed and them kill. Fear of instability they call it but the instability is cause by the $ as reserve currency. this trap is ruining lives and will destroy the planet eventually. so folks is all up to you, otherwise is a trend of illusions and liberty will never be achieved a worse than 1984 orwellian nightmare is where you are now, education and sitcoms, hollywood and main media worldwide are the tools, and the illusion of democracy. you never elected anyone they are all the same just the name changes to keep those in power to be eternally in power, so democrats and republicans is the same party. the key to liberation is russia, china putin and eventually brazil and india. europe is gone, however in europe the intellect still functions but the vision is blurry by the $ as reserve currency which is not capitalism at all what it is is a wall street racket, IMF, world bank total control of your existence.
