Friday, April 18, 2014

Ukraine Peace Pact -- Tim Alexander


bankers are behind the wars, so are the various military contractors............Read General Butler's "Was Is A Racket". This country and most of the world is run like a corporation, "Profit over people" attitude as long as it's not the elite's kids dying in wars what do they care.This is exactly WHY Thomas Jefferson wrote into the Declaration of Independence the definition of fiscal tyranny. He knew this, because the same people have been behind every war in Europe as well for the past 5 centuries.

1 comment:

  1. almost correct the elite has a problem with the $ reserve currency the $ reserve currency is the legal Bitcoin, electronic currency that does not exist, but is use to exchange euros to buy dollars to buy petrol it is the exchange that is crumbling, so russia no longers wants to be pert of this Legal bitcoin, that is the problem, however russia wants to be paid back, and them separate from $ legal bitcoin. the real problem is washington their understanding intelligence experience knowledge of the reality of the issue, Obama does not understand this reality they will like to but they don't they create chaos rather than order everywhere the us, congress, senate,military enters the result is chaos, is just ignorance and american officials believe that wisdom is building military airplanes unfortunately wisdom is not that. moreover europe allows this so europeans are even more guilty because they know that obama is making a mistake but europe rather than warn Obama let him act freely knowing full well he is in error. so europe is even more guilty than Obama. like chirac and bush chirac the french president did warn g w bush about iraq..the real problem is washington their understanding intelligence experience knowledge of the reality of the issue, Obama does not understand this reality they will like to but they don't they create chaos rather than order everywhere the us, congress, senate,military enters the result is chaos, is just ignorance and american officials believe that wisdom is building military airplanes unfortunately wisdom is not that. moreover europe allows this so europeans are even more guilty because they know that obama is making a mistake but europe rather than warn Obama let him act freely knowing full well he is in error. so europe is even more guilty than Obama. like chirac and bush chirac the french president did warn g w bush about iraq..
