Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ukraine On The Brink Of Civil War

Alex covers numerous mainstream media articles concerning the crisis in Ukraine and how the globalists are behind it.

An unsuspecting bloody nose is coming and its deserving. The NWO is a bulling force that is drunk off the blood of the innocence of humanity. If they can't win striking outward they will strike inward. I hope everyone is ready because history is happening now!!!

The Ukrainian 'uprising' was a US/Nato/International globalists operation. Nuland et al in the State Department paid a group at the Maidan protests to shoot at both sides, used the nationalists like toy soldiers to oust the elected PM and installed an Israeli banker as PM. The reason for this is very complex - like the Iraq war - involving many interests and interested parties, IMF banking theft of private and public resources, ethnic genocide of the European people through massive non-white immigration and 'refugee' status (sound kind of like the Mexican invasion here?), and to oppose Putin, who heads the only white country not under the spell of International banking cartels. Nuland (married to Bush neocon Kagan), John Kerry, PM Yatsenyuk, Oligarches, are all globalists. Show less

1 comment:

  1. the problem with JUPE and other french politicians including the president françois hollande is that they behave suspiciously Rama Yade BHL, ATTALI for some strange reason all they want is war with Russia like this Rasmussen one of the best friends of G W BUSH and promoter of the war on Iraq, why do this politicians do all they can to incite wars, fabious and Hollande doing the same in syria, what is the point the end game? what is the benefit of the nation? another afghanistan, another libya? Are they doing the president Poinçare world war one repeat? is that what president hollande hopes for the republic? the republic is half gone with Sarkozy very little will remain of Europe after this world war one crimea scene will unfold..!!! est que le propos de la france "republique" ce une repetition de la 1 guerre mondiale est que ce ça l'objectif du president hollande...........!!!.??
