Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Trilateral Commission Agenda Clarified

The agenda of the Trilateral Commission for its Annual Meeting this weekend in Washington is becoming even clearer.

Trilateral Commission member Tom Donilon hid the Trilateral group's key plans in plain sight.

This was done with Donilon's somewhat cryptic Washington Post column April 21st.

Because the Trilateral Commission—a private foreign-policy outfit—is highly secretive regarding its strong hidden impact on public policy, its members typically avoid making explicit mention of the Commission's name in print—or on the air.

However, it's common for Trilateral members like Donilon to indicate the basic thrust of the group's plans by placing carefully-written columns in the nation's most influential newspapers.

Donilon wrote in the Post yesterday that the Trilateral Commission is bent on completing two major free-trade agreements: The Transpacific Partnership and a U.S.-European Union trade pact.
To lay the groundwork for these agreements, Donilon described the obscure American concept of "rebalancing" toward Asia.
In his Post column, he wrote: "The rebalance is a comprehensive effort incorporating all elements of U.S. national power." That includes military power.

Donilon also wrote: "It entails strengthening alliances and partnerships, building an economic architecture that can sustain Asia's growing prosperity, supporting economic reforms, and maintaining productive relations with China."

So, with those and other statements, Donilon outlined the basic Trilateral Commission manifesto.

Donilon added: "The centerpiece of the economic rebalancing is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the most important trade deal under negotiation today."

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, would be the world's most massive trade scheme, roping in 12 nations and 40 percent of global GDP. That's one-third of all world trade.

Critics, such as former Treasury official Paul Craig Roberts, say that such trade agreements mainly trade away U.S. sovereignty and export good-paying jobs.

According to Anderson, the TPP has been front and center for not only the Trilateral Commission but also for related pro-globalization groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, or CFR. Notably, Donilon—a former U.S. national security adviser—is a CFR member as well.

Donilon's Post column further says:
· "The decision to 'rebalance' stemmed from a recognition of the United States' crucial role in supporting Asia's social and economic development."

Rebuttal: The duties of the U.S. government are for the general welfare, defense and betterment of America—not the Trilateral Commission's assumed economic uplift of the vast Asian continent.

· "Today, territorial disputes, nationalism, changing power dynamics, and the North Korean threat make the U.S. [Asian] presence all the more essential."

Translation: "Nationalism" can mean populist revolts against the Trilateral trade regime. So the Trilaterals are really saying that the U.S. military must protect highly centralized trade policies by helping quell uprisings.

Donilon believes that the TPP trade deal's "most important aim is strategic." That means it would: "Solidify U.S. leadership in Asia and . . . put the United States at the center of a great project: writing the rules that will govern the global economy for the next century."

Furthermore, Donilon wrote that under this grand Trilateral vision the TPP would, "Incentivize the spread of free markets and liberal economic principles."

However, to the Trilateral crowd, "free markets" means markets free from public scrutiny, thereby giving the taxpayer-protected global trade and banking systems a free hand to remold the world according to their insulated vision.

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