Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The US Has Officially Turned Into An Oligarchy! NOT A Democracy!

BBC Is Reporting That The United States Has Officially Turned Into An Oligarchy! NOT A Democracy!

when corporations work with the government .It is literally corporate fascism . But at the same time they also work with banks equally . Crony capitalism is what caused it.And crony capitalism is basically communism light .It is crazy are government has a mixture of almost every crazy doctrine . These people are anti free market . The Capitalists have every corner covered. They mannaged to dumb down the people and it's working for them. My guess is that the Oligarks will keep going until it all backfires in their face. By then it will be too late.

Our country was not built to be democracy. And should not be a democracy. We did not need a democracy to end slavery. This is the conditioning you need to wash from your brain. Now we have this sickness called democracy, all over the world. Which the oligarchy now control.

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