Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Tax you pay is The Bill for Staying Stupid -- Stefan Molyneux

The Truth About Taxes -- Something to help ease the pain on tax day...
People pay taxes because if they didn’t they would have armed thugs arrive at their doorstep and threaten them with guns for not paying the federal mafia. Get past all the rosy thinking and see taxation for what it is; extortion and theft. Do that and you will begin to see the “government” for what it; the resident band of thieves, liars, and murderers who claim the authority to rule over every aspect of your life. This is only allowed because the sleeping giant allows it to happen. Once enough people wake up, watch out! Things will rapidly change!

What was it Ragnar Danneskjöld said in Atlas Shrugged? "Are you thinking that death and taxes are our only certainty, Mr. Rearden? Well, there’s nothing I can do about the first, but if I lift the burden of the second, men might learn to see the connection between the two and what a longer, happier life they have the power to achieve." Rand, Ayn (2005-04-21). Atlas Shrugged: (Centennial Edition) (p. 534). Penguin Group. Kindle Edition.

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