Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Nigel Farage Revolution , Who are you ? - Channel 4 documentary

Mr Nigel Farage has faced criticism for his recent claims that he ’admires’ Russian President Vladmir Putin, and said claiming the European Union was to blame for deaths on the streets of Kiev. Defending the comments yesterday, Mr Farage insisted: ’I said I don't like him, I wouldn't trust him, wouldn't want to live in his country. ’But compared with the kids who run foreign policy in this country I have got more respect for him than our lot.’

Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the 'Europe of Freedom and Democracy' (EFD) Group in the European Parliament -•
Nigel Paul Farage is a British politician and leader of the UK Independence Party since 2010, a position he also held from September 2006 to November 2009. Wikipedia


  1. Very interesting documentary.
    At last, someone putting the boot into the bureaucracy, and the nonsense that has taken over politics. He just needs to now stick it to those same elites in the business world..

  2. Were I British Mr. Farage would get my vote. The EU seems to want to dilute the separate nations of Europe, mix them all up and make sure their is no longer nationalism. Well French are not Greeks and Italians are not Poles nor should they be. There is more strength in diversity them in homogenization. Nations need to protect their sovereignty and....Their bloodlines otherwise everyone in Europe will finally end up under, dare I say it, German economic controls. What Germany didn't win in the 2 World War they have won in the peace as the strongest economically bullying power in Europe. The European
    nations have given up their right to govern themselves and left it to the nameless, faceless bureaucrats in Brussels who are controlled by the powerful economic interests in Germany.
