Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Economic War Has Begun Which Will Lead To WWIII

The West does not only want a war, they need one. They need it badly. How else can they renege on their debt - pulling out their McDonalds and Kentuck Fried Chickens out of Russia and China? The latter two are dumping their treasuries. China is buying property in the USA as if there is no tomorrow.
Cyprus unemployment is now at record highs in March and getting worse. The US unemployment number are manipulated and the real unemployment is around 30% and there are 91 million people not in the labor force. The NSA spying continues in the US and the majority of the people are protecting themselves. A US congressman believes they are underpaid and should get a raise. China and Russia are pushing the economic war forward which is a direct threat on the dollar. The Syrian opposition is using another chemical false flag event and blaming it on Assad.

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