Thursday, April 10, 2014

Steve Quayle -- The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Thursday April 10 2014

On the Thursday, April 10 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex reviews the ongoing IRS scandal litigation, as members of the House Ways and Means Committee consider exercising their "inherent contempt" authority over embattled IRS boss Lois Lerner for refusing to answer whether she used her position to force audits on conservative groups. Infowars reporter David Knight also pops in to give us the latest updates on Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy's predicament, where armed federal agents are taking and even killing some of his cattle supposedly over unpaid "grazing fees." On today's show, Alex is joined by researcher and author of "Xeno Genesis -- Turning Men Into Monsters," Steve Quayle, to discuss what the Chinese and Russians backing their currencies in gold ultimately means and more. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide transmission.

1 comment:

  1. The Grazing Fee is a tool for removing ranchers from the land, Part of the Big Plan for Land Grabbing by the Internationals. The Federal Government is just carrying out the orders of the Internationals. They are trying to control all water and food production Nevada should remove the Federal Government from their state. They are illegally removing desert homes in Arizona also. Instead of rounding up the cattle, they should round up the federal agents
