Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ron Paul Warns Feds Could Launch Waco-Style Assault Against Bundy

Ron Paul Warns Feds Will Return to Bundy Ranch With More Force

Ron Paul spoke with Neil Cavuto on Fox News to warn that the federal government could be planning to launch an assault against Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy with greater force.

The ultimate in hypocracy: Reid & Son accusing Bundy family of illegal activity while Reid & Son make a business deal with a Chinese company forcing a patriotic American family off their land they've owned for 140 years. Something is wrong with Reid's logic and philosphy. Placing the business interests of a foreign entity ahead of the well being of American citizens on their own land is better defined as TREASON than good business. Reid's former advisor is now the head of BLM. Is it a coincidence that BLM showed up with GI-Joe goons to shuffle the Bundy family off their land? It stinks. The Sheriff of Clark County should resign or be recalled by a special election!!! Today this website is awash in paid shills attempting to justify and rationalize away the actions of the Gov't.

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