Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Proof The US Is An Oligarchy!

Of course this is blatantly obvious and has been for decades. But what can be done about it? Nothing short of violent revolution will stop corporate control and there will be no revolution over this matter. Keep consuming, keep watching tv and go back to sleep Americans.
WW3 is about to pop off....most of us are simply going to be disintegrated by the thermonuclear fire. Thats reality.

"The US is an oligarchy, study [by Princeton and Northwestern Universities] concludes". Just more proof that PhD is actually "DUH" pronounced backwards. The US has been an oligarchy since at least the 1980s. Politicians of both parties are controlled by whoever pays for them. Money talks, and bull$h!t walks (or, at least gets elected to repeated terms in Congress).
Founding Fathers: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." ...except our slaves. "Initially, unpropertied men and women—white citizens, slaves, and ex-slaves, alike—were largely prohibited from voting.", democracy can't ever work. Human beings are not cut out for any system but hierarchical dictatorship. They'll cooperate as long as they can receive orders and lord it over someone.

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