Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Obama and the Saudis -- Hypocrisy Dressed Up as "Realism", Justifies American Alliance with Saudi Dictatorship

 Madawi Al-Rasheed: US wants to contain and manipulate Arab uprisings while the Saudis want to crush them

The Saudis funded sep 11 at the request of elements in the US government, likely on both sides of the spectrum. Look who benefited most out of the attacks, the military industrial complex, the banks, the Saudis who benefited from the increased US presence and focus in the middle east. It also meant things like the Patriot Act passed through almost unchallenged benefiting those in control (and opening up new revenue streams through domestic police militarization and cyber security/surveillance and control of the internet). The military/Cyber complexes need an enemy to drive their profits, no enemy = less military spending = less profits. Less spending means less government/corporate debt which = less profits for banks.

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