Thursday, April 3, 2014

Nigel Farage vs Nick Clegg, in heated BBC debate over EU

The Second of the debates on Europe, Britain in or out.
Nigel Paul Farage is a British politician and leader of the UK Independence Party since 2010, a position he also held from September 2006 to November 2009. Wikipedia

Mr Farage accused the Lib Dem leader of "wilfully lying" to the British people about Brussels' grip on UK laws.
He also claimed EU immigration had hit the "white working class" the hardest.
Instant polls said Mr Farage had won by a bigger margin than he did in their first debate last week.
YouGov's snap poll gives the debate to Mr Farage by 68% to 27%, while a poll by ICM/Guardian suggested 69% of people watching thought the UKIP man came out on top.
A YouGov/Sun poll suggested Mr Farage won their first clash last Wednesday by 57% to 36%.
The BBC's chief political correspondent Norman Smith said Mr Clegg was much more fired up than he had been last week, while Mr Farage had been more measured.

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