Sunday, April 13, 2014

Nevada Rancher Standoff Ends: Government Corruption Exposed! -- Stefan Molyneux

The 2 most significant factors about the incident:

1) the militarization of enforcement personnel in federal civil agencies (and their use in this incident not unlike Nazi brownshirts) and their confrontation with citizens;
2) any involvement Sen. Reid might have, especially in light of the fact that his former senior adviser heads the BLM.

Only a congressional investigation and intense media coverage will suffice to give American citizens the facts surrounding the issue and leading to the confrontation. There are too many unanswered questions and too little creditable information.

Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy - of Bundy Ranch - wins in his standoff with the federal Bureau of Land Management when Sen. Harry Reid's corruption is exposed. Surprise surprise, it's not about the endangered tortoises.

1 comment:

  1. People, we need to learn just this one Lesson - SILENCE MEANS CONSENT.

    Freedom requires vigilance and effort by we, the people to maintain. Sitting on your butt watching garbage on TV will not do it. That will gain you tyranny, coming soon.
