Thursday, April 3, 2014

Michael Savage Goes Off on Fort Hood Shooting 2014 - Opening Statements - 4-3-14

Radio Commentary by Michael Savage Aired on April 3, 2014  ---  The Shooter have had to be some drug other than Ambien.  Alone, is not associated with psychotic homicidal behavior.  As for the ideation of this alleged shooter, it is interesting that it is reported he was being evaluated for PTSD.  This thing is bizarre.  He spent 4 months in Iraq in 2011, allegedly, saw no combat at all yet was claiming PTSD.  He allegedly did request leave to attend the funeral of his mother and was denied.  That could have been the triggering event.  It is also very odd that he was allegedly self reporting "Severe Head Trauma" with no medical evaluation.  With SSRI's, brain irritability syndrome sets in as well as the possibility of bizarre Serotonin Storms and major spikes in norepinephrine if it was a combo anti dep..


  1. DaBoo7 nails it how they were looking for actors to be in this "staged shooting" at Ft Hood on Craiges List

  2. He Was Taking AMITRIPTYLINE !!!
