Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Large EARTHQUAKE CHILE triggers Tsunami warning

 A magnitude 8.2 earthquake has struck off the coast of Chile, near the port of Iquique, prompting a warning for all of Latin America's Pacific coast of a potential Tsunami.Al Jazeera talks to Joe Hinchliffe, editor of the Santiago Times, from Chile's capital Santiago.

Large 8.3 Earthquake 6.2 miles below ocean floor
A TSUNAMI WAVES of more than SEVEN FEET in height has hit the port of Iquique in CHILE.
-First TSUNAMI WAVES hit 45 minutes after 8.3 MEGA-QUAKE
-Shook buildings in PERU and BOLIVIA
-ALL Latin America Pacific Coast on TSUNAMI ALERT
-TSUNAMI could strike USA West Coast in Hours
-TSUNAMI High Risk Countries: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua
-Earthquake Trigger LANDSLIDES -- Roads blocked
-Buildings shook in PERU and BOLIVIA
-Large 8.3 Earthquake 6.2 miles below ocean floor
-A TSUNAMI WAVES of more than SEVEN FEET in height has hit the port of Iquique in CHILE.
-First TSUNAMI WAVES hit 45 minutes after 8.3 MEGA-QUAKE
-Shook buildings in PERU and BOLIVIA
-300 Prisoners escape
-5 Dead
-100,000+ Being Evacuated
-60+ aftershocks
-Several Injuries
-Massive Fire in City
-Mass Evacuation CHILE, PERU
-Power Lost Affected Areas
-Many Businesses caught fire
-Buildings Destroyed

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