Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Joel Skousen, Tosh Plumlee -- The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free AUDIO) Wednesday April 30 2014

The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free AUDIO) Wednesday April 30 2014: Joel Skousen, Tosh Plumlee

On this Wednesday, April 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the growing storm clouds over Ukraine as its coup controlled military goes on full alert and Russia dispatches medical teams to its borders in addition to deploying a telltale doomsday plane in recent days. He also covers the fallout over Donald Sterling's private comments as the usual race baiters and careerists pile on in the aftermath. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with author, political scientist and the editor of World Affair Brief, Joel Skousen. Mr. Skousen will talk about the situation brewing in Ukraine. He is the author of Strategic Relocation: North American Guide To Safe Places, now available at the Infowars Store.

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