Monday, April 7, 2014

Jim Rickards: The Death of Money

Wall St for Main St interviewed Jim Rickards, Managing Director of Tangent Capital and the author of "Currency Wars". Jim also has a new book that he published called "The Death of Money"

In this podcast, we discussed current events that occurred after Currency Wars was released. We discussed Japan economic woes and the potential for them to be the first to collapse from currency wars and we also asked Jim about financial warfare going between the East and West.

Wall St for Main St also discussed High Frequency Trading and the impact it has on the market and we talked about high demand for gold from the East and what it means for the U.S. dollar. Plus much more!

1 comment:

  1. Currency wars occur because of the lack of tariff freedom within the WTO straightjacket. The only way to balance economy is to depreciate your own currency, thus affecting every one and every product instead of rifle shot tariff adjustments where needed. Currency trading and manipulation profits Wall Street bigtime. The freedom of nations is being destroyed by fascist globalization and "free" trade pacts forced upon the people.
