Monday, April 14, 2014

Jerome Corsi -- The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Monday April 14 2014

On this Monday, April 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly News host David Knight gives a run down of his trip to Clark County, Nevada, where hold-out rancher Cliven Bundy successfully resisted a concerted effort by the Bureau of Land Management to drive his cattle off the land and open up thousands of acres of desert to corporatist looting. David delves into the role of Democrat Senator Harry Reid in the land grab and his connection to crony capitalists. David talks with author Jerome Corsi who will delve into corruption and collusion between the Chinese and America's top Democrats. David talks with Alex about the Nevada victory and its overall implications for the patriot movement. David also talks with Josh Owens, the Infowars cameraman who also witnessed the Bundy ranch standoff last week.

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