Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Gerald Celente on Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter

 Pres. Jimmy Carter discusses the U.S. reaction to the crisis in Ukraine and his concerns about the NSA
President Jimmy Carter: I don’t think there ever has been a possibility that Putin wouldn't take over Crimea. This was a foregone conclusion and nothing that the United States and Europe or anyone could have done would have prevented that. Because Russia has always considered Crimea to be a part of it and most of the Crimean people, as you probably know, agreed with that. They wanted to be a part of Russia. But I think that needs to be stopped, at this point. I don’t think we need equivocate about the prohibition against Putin moving military forces into other parts of eastern Ukraine. I had the same challenge to face when I was president.

1 comment:

  1. Jimmy Carter failed HIS "challenges" and was the worst president America ever had. Reagan came along and freed American hostages from Iran...just by being more forceful and decisive than the "Carter wimp". Fortunately for Carter, he has been moved up to "second from last" to allow the "affirmative-action presidential poser" to assume his well earned LAST position as "worst, and most inept, president" (Maybe we should have tried a WHOLLY black president with brains, like Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Condoleeza Rice, Ben Carson or any number of competent blacks with common sense and a love for America.......(and one without socialist baggage, like a wife with a big trunk that 'beeps' when she backs up...)
