Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fort Hood Shooter Mental-Health Issues, Depressed, ON MEDS!

Another shooting has taken place at Fort Hood costing the lives of 4 people, including the gunman, Ivan Lopez. It has been made aware that he was being tread for mental-health issues and also suffered from depression.

Big Pharma may have certainly played a role in this while he was taking this medication. More information will soon be revealed.

 3 Victims, Gunman Dead After Second Fort Hood Mass Shooting
Gen. Milley said the gunman was on medication, "had behavior and mental-health issues and was being treated" for depression, anxiety and related matters.
FBI, military hunt ex-Army recruit suspected of plotting 'Ft. Hood-inspired jihad'
1,892 US Veterans Are Thought To Have Committed Suicide Since January 1, 2014

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