Thursday, April 3, 2014

Flight 370 Conspiracy -- Tony Gosling vs. David Aronovitch

Tony Gosling vs. David Aronovitch daily politics debate.
BBC discuss flight 370, Bilderberg, JFK conspiracies

There are conspiracy theories abounding across the internet about the disappearance of MH370 including that the plane is being secretly held on the island of Diego Garcia. Why are none of these theories being checked out? Even if the plane is found in the ocean these theories will continue. Some believe that the plane will be dumped in the ocean to prove it did crash. Is no-one officially investigating other possibilities apart from insisting the plane crashed?

1 comment:

  1. the problem is a multiprocess, you got wars + economic collapse + end of dollar as a reserve currency + the planet for some reason is not happy, from earthquakes to volcano, to large quantities of fish dead on the shores + a middle east going insane become a sort of west-world, with electronic robots on a ok corral scene. Israel another invention that somehow is on the centre of the UN, which due to the Israeli invention is now inefficient. All this is slowly converging. the planet is ideologically being divide, chine and Russia on one side, Europe on the middle and the USA of america on the other side forcing the encirclement of Russia and china. this mixture portraits different level of reality that what is going on on the planet the circle of fire coordinates with the american military adventures on the pacific and Ukraine. the same goes on on the pacific ring of fire. both actions are somehow synchronized. or is it the circle of fire that creates the whole? to an organism on this context is quite impossible, however the rituals to the sun, by the 2012 Mayans prophesy. the sacrifices to the sun if you like. however LA earthquakes are becoming frequent on the area from Washington to mexico, Yellowstone, Chile, Japan, there is a continuous activity, just like the us navy on the pacific. weather changes in Europe quite unusual, from fall to spring, no winter? perhaps one of this massive volcanic explosions will eventually halt all irrational attempts and quite nights quiet days. a nuclear war or a Jurassic park volcanic whammy. .... any other choices! who knows but the signs are pointing on that direction, better change course.having a living earth that reacts, and rationalize; makes the situation even worse religiously, scientifically and logically, in other words end of the mind as you know it.

