Wednesday, April 30, 2014

End Of Net Neutrality?

From Shepard Smith Reports, Gerri Willis (Fox Business News) discusses an FCC proposal to end net neutrality with Shep.
Once the Internet is turned over to UN "global" stewardship, it won't matter what the FCC says anyway. Whatever happens, the People will be restricted, while the gov'ts and their approved activists will have free reign and control. Little guys will be regulated and priced out.

What we are looking for is "free market". However, cable is very close to being a monopolistic utility. And with utilities, it is hard to have more than one supplier to each household for competition and a truly free market. Another analogy would be an interstate highway. The highway is free to use by all people both commercial and public. However, the commercial use of the highway is very damaging to the highway so they are required to pay fees for the highway's upkeep. The public and the commercial enterprises normally travel at the same speeds on this highway. What the FCC is proposing is that the commercial enterprises can hog all the fast lanes and the rest of the public can use the ditch (the more money, the more an ISP can discriminate). The FCC should have ruled the opposite, that Netflix and Google should PAY service providers because they hog all the lanes and slow down the speed for everybody else. Then the service providers could use this money to upgrade the infrastructure for all. Netflix and Google are like very heavy trucks creating potholes in the road and then demanding that everyone else should pay to fix them.

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