Sunday, April 6, 2014

Economic Collapse 2014 -- Dr. Jim Willie-End or 2014, Dollar Mortally Wounded, Treasury Bond Toxic Paper

Dr. Jim Willie-End or 2014, Dollar Mortally Wounded, Treasury Bond Toxic Paper ... Dr. Jim Willie, Editor of "The Hat Trick Letter," predicts, "They are going to move it to $5,000 to $7,000 an ounce, and silver $200 to $400 per ounce. Because all the world's central banks are going to need gold they are going to sell Treasury bonds to buy gold to make for a solution to their banking systems. What's the solution? It's legitimate reserves, hard asset gold reserves." In closing Dr. Willie predicts, "I think you are going to see by the end of this year that the dollar is mortally wounded and Treasury bond regarded as toxic paper." Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with financial newsletter writer Dr. Jim Willie, who can be found on


  1. I don't know about golden jackass, but just plain jackass will do.....

  2. dollar ends before 2015, probably this not that complicated in fact quite simple. russia could do this easy.. moreover this anglo-banking sophistication is what hinders progress. Japan will bend in the end and venezuela will start getting rubles for petrol.
