Thursday, April 3, 2014

Deborah Tavarez - Stop Consenting To Lawless Corporate Statutes -- Deagle 2014/04/01

NEW GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT EXPOSED . . . World-wide leadership is "up for grabs" and follows first mover Advantage - world system of slave labor LOOKS LIKE TROUBLE . . .when ever the members and expects consist of the list below this has proven to be programs that are connected to total dominance of the human population under policies such as Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars - and I quote Page 11 of Silent Weapons - "Energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth, it follows that in order to attain a monopoly of energy, raw materials, goods, and services and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have a first strike capability in the field of economics. In order to maintain our position, it is necessary that we have absolute first knowledge of the science of control over all economic factors and the first experience at engineering the world economy."
Alert - We Can't Wait - World-wide leadership is "up for grabs" and follows first mover Advantage . . .
Some brief excerpts . . .
"Realizing the Full Potential of Government-Held Spectrum to Spur Economic Growth"
Members and Experts -
Hummer Winblad Venture Partners/University of Maryland, College Park/Microsoft Corporation/University of Texas at Austin/National Academy of Engineering/Google, Inc./Georgia Tech Research Institute/Shared Spectrum/Stanford University/Virginia Tech/Illinois Institute of Technology/University of Colorado, Boulder/Wallman Consulting, LLC/Core Capital/PCAST/FCC/National Telecommunications and Information Association
Implement a Federal Spectrum Access System - Formalize a White House-based Spectrum Management Team (SMT)
U.S. Chief Technology Officer
National Security Staff
Office Management and Budget
National Economic Council
National Telecommunications
Information Administration
Specify and fund the ongoing Scalable Real-World Test Service Needed (a Test City and Mobile Test Service) to test sharing of Federal Bands and Public Safety with industry . . TEST FOR PUBLIC SAFETY . . . .
See the Map on Page 12 . . . Looks like - WAR using frequencies . . . what do you think?
Modify Rules to allow - General Authorized access Devices to Operate in two bands in the NTIA Fast Track List - specifically the 3,550 - 3,650 MHz (radar bands) Second band to be determined by FCC and NTIA . . .

Page 12 - Use extended TV White Space System Already in Operation as the starting system . . .

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