Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Charles Goyette: Ukraine May Accelerate Petro Dollar's Death

Charles Goyette is an American talk show host and writer. He is a libertarian commentator, who is noted for his outspoken anti-war views, his opposition to the war in Iraq, and his economic commentary. He is the author of the book The Dollar Meltdown: Surviving the Impending Currency Crisis with Gold, Oil, and Other Unconventional Investments, which Congressman Ron Paul calls "a must read," and investor Peter Schiff describes as "...a sensible plan to protect your wealth." He formerly hosted talk radio shows based in Phoenix, Arizona on KTAR, KFYI, KXXT, and KFNX. His show aired for the last time on KFNX on June 13, 2008.
In this 40+ minute interview, Jason first asks Charles about what is going on in Ukraine.

Charles talks at length about the US foreign policy and interventionist tactics.

Next, Jason asks Charles about Ukraine's impact on the Petrodollar and how US sanctions may affect Putin to want to move away from the Petro Dollar faster.

Jason asks Charles about China's potential collapse, their use of Keynesian Economics and trillions in misallocated capital both China and globally.

Finally, Charles talks about gold, silver and what money should be and how he and Ron Paul are waking more people up with their weekly Ron Paul podcast and Ron Paul's new website and news channel.

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