Friday, April 25, 2014

Build up to WW3 - RUSSIA Wants to Start WORLD WAR 3 Says UKRAINE

Build up to WW3 - RUSSIA Wants to Start WORLD WAR 3 Says UKRAINE

Prime minister Arseny Yatseniuk accuses Moscow of acting like a gangster by aiming to occupy Ukraine 'militarily and politically' russia forgive north korea debt gas pipeline

The Ukrainian prime minister, Arseny Yatseniuk, has accused Russia of wanting to start a third world war by occupying Ukraine "militarily and politically".

"The world has not yet forgotten world war two, but Russia already wants to start world war three," he told his interim cabinet in remarks broadcast live. "Attempts at military conflict in Ukraine will lead to a military conflict in Europe."

In some of the strongest language he has used so far during the crisis, Yatseniuk accused Moscow of acting like a gangster supporting terrorists.

"It is clear that Russia's goal is to wreck the election in Ukraine, remove the pro-western and pro-Ukrainian government and occupy Ukraine politically as well as military," he added.

Both sides have deployed troops close to their frontier.

Yatseniuk took office in February after pro-European protests prompted the Kremlin-backed president to flee to Russia.

Ukraine plans to hold an election on 25 May to replace Viktor Yanukovich, but the Russian-speaking east of the country has been disrupted by pro-Moscow militants who have taken over the city of Slavyansk and public buildings elsewhere, demanding to follow Crimea and be annexed by Russia.

Russia denies involvement in the protests but has denounced the Ukrainian government, which it says is illegitimate and backed by Ukrainian nationalists it describes as fascists, and has threatened to step in to protect ethnic Russians and Russian-speakers in Ukraine.

Following two days of propaganda centered upon dubious photographs the junta in Kyiv and the war machine media in the United States insist proves the presence of Russian troops in Ukraine, The New York Times has issued a retraction. It is buried on page A9 of the newspaper.

Russia Will Pay a Big Price for Ukraine Crisis, Hillary Clinton Warns
Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called on President Barack Obama to ratchet up sanctions against Russia over Crimea and eastern Ukraine.
Speaking at a University of Connecticut issues forum on Wednesday, Clinton said that the sanctions against Moscow must be "tightened and widened" to prevent the Ukraine crisis from escalating.

"I think Russia will pay a big price for this," Clinton said. "But that is an endpoint that we've got to get to as peacefully as possible without seeing the total disintegration of Ukraine as a country with territorial integrity and opportunity to have the relationship it wants with the West."

The US and Russia are at loggerheads over the worsening crisis in Ukraine.

The Autonomous Republic of Crimea declared independence from Ukraine on March 17 and formally applied to become part of Russia following a referendum a day earlier, in which nearly 97 percent of the participants voted in favor of the move.

On March 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed into law the documents officially making Crimea part of the Russian territory. He said the move was carried out based on international law.

On April 17, Russia, Ukraine, the US and the European Union agreed over steps to "de-escalate" the crisis in eastern Ukraine, where anti-Kiev protesters seized buildings in several towns and cities. Gold turns higher on Ukraine worries, options buying

1 comment:

  1. american slaves landed in medavia to protect wall street as protec america which no longer exist, is a joke!! what exist is the CESAR, and hillary clinton, so diplomats beware clinton is back main objective kill diplomats. like benghazi.. so army slaves love to kill and be kill like iraq vietnam, egypt, syria, libya, afghanistan and 9/11. those that die in ww2 also die for banks. so americans slaves you got no choice as slaves have no choice... dont forget. is just a question of fate..
