Saturday, April 19, 2014

Build up to WW3 -- Nuclear Warfare in the "New Cold War"

As the world's attention turns to events in eastern Europe, rising tensions between the world's nuclear superpowers is once again raising the specter of the cold war. And just as in the cold war, this conflict, too, brings with it the prospect of nuclear warfare. Find out more about the nuclear threat in this week's GRTV Backgrounder.

1 comment:

  1. proof:: this is mainly france foreign policies mayhem, why, BHL and the other french philosopher, Attali, Juppe, and those foreign french warmongers, they claim israel is what they defend but in fact they are a danger even to israel. hope BIBI gets the note..this BHL, and other so call defenders of israel. are a danger to the human race and mostly america as BHL aim is to kill americans ...europe is a basket case as only europe can prevent more chaos in europe and in america; but europe does not have a government, nations do not have leaders, so what can americans do with europe the last cultural and intelligent resort to avoid wars.. Mario draghi the goldman sachs boy, is turning europe into a fascist realm so wars can be ignited and folks will kill each others this is the goldman sachs plan B) the french believe, is the euro europe but they do not understand the euro does not exist what exist is the $ as reserve currency the real legal Bitcoin, as it is electronic and does not exist, is a tax to fools the $ as a reserve currency, the petrodollar is the other leg of this scheme. but europeans believe is the euro, marine le Pen and many others, this indicate or are they in bed with the gangsters or they do not understand what the $ as reserve currency is all about, this legal bitcoin, as the Bitcoin you know is illegal, and moreover probably more honest than the $ as reserve currency.
