Friday, April 18, 2014


Ukraine Is A Time Bomb Ready To Blow
Alex and William F Jasper cover the waterfront of issues facing our nation including the standing situation in the Ukraine, the loss of individual liberties and the agenda of Globalists to destroy America.

As the column rolled into town flying a Russian flag, there was rampant speculation about who these men in mismatched camouflage armed with a variety of guns were. Some held machine guns, others had sniper rifles and even small rocket launchers. They wore St George's ribbons, the Russian victory day symbol that has been adopted as the emblem of the anti-Kiev "people's militia" in eastern Ukraine.

The men themselves were reluctant to talk to journalists about their identity, intentions or where they had obtained the armoured vehicles. But the bulk of them appeared to be from the ranks of the same armed militia that has seized government buildings around the region in recent days. Ukrainian paratroopers from the neighbouring Dnipropetrovsk region who had joined the rebels

"There are definitely green men there today. They aren't hiding that they're from Crimea, from Russia," she said, referring to the unmarked soldiers Russia deployed to take control of Crimea last month, popularly known as "little green men". checkpoint

"We believe in what we're doing to preserve our government, our territory and peace," one paratrooper who declined to give his name said. "No one is planning to fight protesters," he added.

UKRAINE looks to be teetering dangerously close to the edge of war as a column of armoured personnel carriers flying Russian flags drove into city of Slovyansk this morning.

Humiliation for Ukraine's troops as they roll into restive east in armoured vehicles ... and have them SEIZED by pro-Russian militants Ukrainian army APCs roll into Kramatorsk, which was on Saturday scene of fierce fighting between police and militants vision of hell battle zone war zone jsnip4 kev baker show Forces loyal to Kiev retook an airfield held by separatists just outside that town in an airborne assault last night Russian President Vladimir Putin tells German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Ukraine is on the brink of civil war He denied any involvement of Russian troops, but Kiev names a Russian regiment it claims is active in east Ukraine Nato announces it is stepping up deployments in eastern Europe in response to the crisis

A Chinese satellite probing the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 "observed a suspected crash area at sea," a Chinese government agency said — a potentially pivotal lead into what thus far has been a frustrating, fruitless search.

Former U.S. Diplomat: Send U.S. Ground Troops to Ukraine
A former U.S. diplomat and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, James Jeffrey, is calling for U.S. ground troops to be injected into the brewing civil war in Ukraine. Jeffery is a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a beltway think tank controlled by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee and associated with the neocon wing of the Republican Party.

"The best way to send Putin a tough message and possibly deflect a Russian campaign against more vulnerable NATO states is to back up our commitment to the sanctity of NATO territory with ground troops, the only military deployment that can make such commitments unequivocal," Jeffrey writes for The Washington Post, an establishment newspaper often used by neocons to push pro-war propaganda and the concept of American exceptionalism, the philosophical basis for imperialism and warmongering.

Ukraine is on the verge of major armed conflict as government forces launch their first significant military action in the east of the country, where they have clashed with about 30 armed pro-Russian gunmen at a provincial airfield.

Shots were fired in Kramatorsk airport as Ukrainian special forces stormed in to reassert Kiev's control. As troop helicopters hovered above and tempers flared, a Ukrainian general was set upon by a group of local people incensed that two protesters had been injured, knocking off his military-issue fur hat and yelling, "Jail him."


  1. the real problem is washington their understanding intelligence experience knowledge of the reality of the issue, Obama does not understand this reality they will like to but they don't they create chaos rather than order everywhere the us, congress, senate,military enters the result is chaos, is just ignorance and american officials believe that wisdom is building military airplanes unfortunately wisdom is not that. moreover europe allows this so europeans are even more guilty because they know that obama is making a mistake but europe rather than warn Obama let him act freely knowing full well he is in error. so europe is even more guilty than Obama. like chirac and bush chirac the french president did warn g w bush about iraq..

  2. almost correct the elite has a problem with the $ reserve currency the $ reserve currency is the legal Bitcoin, electronic currency that does not exist, but is use to exchange euros to buy dollars to buy petrol it is the exchange that is crumbling, so russia no longers wants to be pert of this Legal bitcoin, that is the problem, however russia wants to be paid back, and them separate from $ legal bitcoin. the real problem is washington their understanding intelligence experience knowledge of the reality of the issue, Obama does not understand this reality they will like to but they don't they create chaos rather than order everywhere the us, congress, senate,military enters the result is chaos, is just ignorance and american officials believe that wisdom is building military airplanes unfortunately wisdom is not that. moreover europe allows this so europeans are even more guilty because they know that obama is making a mistake but europe rather than warn Obama let him act freely knowing full well he is in error. so europe is even more guilty than Obama. like chirac and bush chirac the french president did warn g w bush about iraq..the real problem is washington their understanding intelligence experience knowledge of the reality of the issue, Obama does not understand this reality they will like to but they don't they create chaos rather than order everywhere the us, congress, senate,military enters the result is chaos, is just ignorance and american officials believe that wisdom is building military airplanes unfortunately wisdom is not that. moreover europe allows this so europeans are even more guilty because they know that obama is making a mistake but europe rather than warn Obama let him act freely knowing full well he is in error. so europe is even more guilty than Obama. like chirac and bush chirac the french president did warn g w bush about iraq..
