Saturday, March 1, 2014

WW3 Buildup -- Russia says Georgia's entry to NATO could lead to War

After the Ukrainian front another front of the war between NATO and Russia is about to be opened , it is the Georgian front ...this will lead to a global World War III

Why would Russia be concerned about Georgia joining NATO?

Why would Russia be concerned about Georgia joining NATO?

I would appreciate it if RIA Novosti and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov could better explain Russia's concerns with regards to Georgia joining NATO.

I am already aware of the fact that Georgia is a key transit territory for the Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan pipeline (the BAKU pipeline) that runs from Baku, Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea, through Georgia, through Turkey down to Ceyhan,Turkey located on the Mediterranean Sea.

BAKU Pipeline Link

BAKU Pipeline Image

I have already expressed my concern in previous comments that the United States, Europe, Britain, Canada and NATO would like to control the Caspian Basin area for its oil and natural gas reserves.

This is one reason why the United States, Europe, Britain, Canada and NATO would like to take control of Iran. Iran borders both the Caspian Sea, the Arabian Gulf, and the Arabian Sea.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1058&bih=456&wrapid=tlif132353312479510&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x3ef7ec2ec16b1df1:0x40b095d39e51face,Iran&gl=ca&ei=U4PjTqWSIobt0gGNmZTsBQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CDoQ8gEwAA

Worldwide Peak Oil was reached in June 2006.

All known oil reservoirs for the United States, Europe, Britain, Canada will be reaching exhaustion by 2020. by 2030 these oil reservoirs will be exhausted.

The United States, Europe, Britain, Canada are therefore desperately looking for other reservoirs of oil and natural gas that they do not control so that they can seize them militarily and control them for western oil company use to provide oil supplies to the west.

By 2030 it is an accepted fact by oil production experts that there will be insufficient oil reserves around the planet to sustain our current oil based civilization. The oil based civilizations most likely to survive after 2020 are Russia and those in the Caspian Basin area.

Those countries least likely to survive as an oil based civilization past 2020 are the United States, Britain, Europe and Canada. China and India will also see dramatic changes in lifestyle.

The concern for the United States, Britain, Europe and Canada is that oil is not just about transportation, it is also fundamental to agriculture and the food supply with regards to the creation of fertilizer. When the oil supply disappears so does agriculture and nations food supply. Then of course there is the collapse of the banking industry, millions of businesses, and so forth. It is an event that is coming one way or another beginning in 2020 extending to 2030 and finished by 2040.

So the Russian government could be concerned that having Georgia be a member of NATO is just to close for comfort.

As much as the Russian government would like to work with NATO, NATO is a real threat to Russia's energy supplies in the Caspian Basin area.

And without a doubt there will be a fight for the remaining Caspian Basin oil fields and natural gas fields beginning in 2020 and extending to 2030. By 2030 the majority of the world's oil reserves would have collapsed from depletion.

The entire world does not need to run out of oil for problems to happen, it just needs to run out enough.

And this point in worldwide oil depletion begins in 2020. Serious crisis depletion point is 2030. Worldwide depletion by 2040.

Arnold Vinette
Ottawa, Canada

I am already aware of the fact that Georgia is a key transit territory for an oil and gas pipeline (the BAKU pipeline) that runs from the Caspian Sea, through Georgia, through Turkey

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