Monday, March 17, 2014

World War 3 : Tensions High as the Bear of Gog and Magog invades Crimea Ukraine (Mar 03, 2014)

The globalists will have their war, millions will die even on american soil, and this all came about because we refused to use force when it was blatently obvious that peaceful protests failed. We allow our children to be sent in to be cannon fodder for the globalists desires of wealth and power over every living being. We stand down when executions are neccessary, to ensure our childrens safety and freedom. America is populated by cowards and theives, who as long as they have their TV and cars, will allow their children to be slaves to pedophiles and rapists. Cant you all see standing down isnt working, the enemy is bringing about our end through other means, they will start this war and nukes will fly, at that point its absolutely too late to fight them. So keep standing down and watch the world burn, watch your children die slowly of radiation poisoning, and curse yourselves for not acting when you had the chance. I weep for what we could have had, yet cowardice and greed stole our soul and made us slaves in our minds. Before this war starts I will stand and fight whether im alone or not i will have no regrets when i meet my maker, cower if you want, die slow from radiation exposure or fast from a bullet, makes no diffrence to me, but i wont watch my children die before my very eyes.

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