Friday, March 14, 2014

Wolfgang Halbig, Rev. C.L Bryant -- The Alex Jones Show(Commercial Free VIDEO) Friday March 14 2014

On the special Friday, March 14 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones plows through a heaping stack of crucial news and information spelling out the increasingly volatile situation in Ukraine, the continued war on gun rights and the faux feminist movement more concerned with banning words than foreign laws legalizing rape. On today's show, Alex invites American Baptist minister, radio and television host, and former president of the NAACP's chapter in Garland, Texas, C.L Bryant, to discuss the current administration's manipulative focus on race relations, Planned Parenthood's black genocide program and his excellent documentary "Runaway Slave," which spells out the history of the Democrat Party. Also, national school safety consultant, former educator, US Customs agent and Florida state trooper, Wolfgang Halbig joins Alex to examine the host of peculiarities surrounding the Sandy Hook school shooting.

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